Book Interview: Verona-based Steve Tafaro Author of Winning at SaaS recently connected with Steve Tafaro, a former tech executive who has also spent years helping SaaS startups master revenue generation through synchronized SaaS sales efforts. His book, Winning at SaaS, is a guide to changing your approach; aligning your teams; and establishing a sustainable, profitable business model.  We conducted our interview via email. It follows here:

What is your book’s name and publisher?

“Winning at SaaS,” by Steve Tafaro, published by Tafaro & Associates, Inc.

Tell me about your background.

With more than 45 years of executive management, sales, marketing and leadership experience in technology and service-related businesses, I provide CEO advisory services, workshops and accept speaking engagements. The focus is squarely placed on helping early-stage SaaS businesses accelerate sales growth and generate optimum shareholder value.

I have held executive positions with IBM Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Software Plus and Cybershift, Inc. In 1990 I founded Tafaro & Associates, which provided business advisory and interim executive management services to small and emerging companies and divisions of larger organizations in need of sales growth and/or restructuring to meet revenue and profit objectives, or to prepare the business for sale.

 During this time, I served as VP of Bell Atlantic’s Systems Integration business, president of Bell Atlantic Software Systems, president of IVAX Industry’s Institutional Products Group, president of Fuller Brush Corporation’s Institutional Products Group, VP of Sales and Marketing at Xspand, Inc., SVP of Sales & Marketing at Financial Technologies (Investran) Inc.

From 2013 to 2021, I chaired a CEO Peer Advisory Board, in conjunction with Vistage International, focused on leadership development and organizational performance.

I currently reside in Verona.

How did you get the idea for this book?

I am 81 years old and there is still nothing that gives me more fulfillment than waking up with a clear sense of purpose. I lost that after my wife passed away in March ’23 (we were married for 57 years). With the support of my family and friends, this book helped me find a renewed purpose.

Why are you the best person/people to write this book?

I have 20 years of experience working as an interim president of 11 companies. In each situation, I was hired to grow the business … both top line growth and shareholder value.

How did you go about gathering material for this book?

The systems and practices in the book have been developed through the many engagements I’ve had and tested in real-world companies.

Who should read the book? And why?

CEOs and chief revenue offers of early-stage SaaS companies and their investors, to understand how to accelerate growth and value. Also, sales executives and account managers, to understand the skills and techniques necessary for success in today’s marketplace.

Is there anything else you want people to know about this book?

Yes, I am developing a digital AI clone of myself that can be used as a virtual coaching tool for salespeople and account managers, based on content from the book and other sources.  

Please give the readers three takeaways from the book.

  • Learn about the Tafaro Growth Accelerator, which includes the foundations, tools and skills to make your sales and marketing teams your greatest asset.
  • Learn about the Power Index, a highly effective tool that leads buyers through a rational process that provides them with the explicit results and value they can achieve.
  • SaaS businesses are considered a great investment vehicle because they are inherently scalable, revenue is predictable and growth is organic.

What two quotes best represent the book?

  • “A sale can only occur if there is an admitted discrepancy or gap from where buyers are vs. where they need to be. Value is defined by the economic benefit achievable by closing the gap.”
  • “Buying is an emotional decision that prospects make after going through a rational product or service evaluation. It is key that we influence that emotional decision.”

Bio: With over four decades of experience, Steve Tafaro is an author, speaker and adviser to executives of software and technical services companies. Steve’s journey in the tech industry spans prestigious roles at IBM and Oracle. He led as an executive across numerous high-profile companies, cementing his status as a vanguard in sales and marketing strategies. His brainchild, the Tafaro Growth Accelerator™, a system meticulously crafted to bolster SaaS businesses, draws from his career and theoretical frameworks. It underscores his mission: to arm emerging companies with the arsenal to flourish. You can reach him at or at his website:

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