Opinion: NJ Tech Council’s “Jersey Innovation Week” Good for the Tech Ecosystem

“Jersey Innovation Week” is a celebration of the state’s technology, innovation and entrepreneurship. Created by the NJ Tech Council, the week includes a number of events that could energize the tech and entrepreneurial community in New Jersey.
NJTechWeekly.com encourages you to attend the events and support the tech community in the state. They are listed below. We especially believe that you should attend the Propelify festival, next Thursday in Hoboken, as it promises to be an amazing extravaganza of tech and entrepreneurship. (Contact esurden@njtechweekly.com for a code for complementary tickets courtesy of Bell Labs.)
Speaking about Jersey Innovation Week, Jim Barrood, NJ Tech Council president and CEO, said, “We had been thinking about doing this for a while. A few tech councils from across the country had done similar week-long celebrations like this. We decided that there were a lot of things going on this week, and we thought we’d add a few more, collaborate on a few more, and make something of a celebration for the community.”
More importantly, he added, “it was created to expose the rest of the state to the great things that are happening throughout our ecosystem.”
In a release, the Tech Council said, “The week of May 15 through May 20 will be jam-packed with events hosted across the state and focused on a variety of topics across technology. There promises to be something for everyone, from diving deep into roundtable discussions, to a high-level Health Technology conference to a fun Beer and Wine Tech Fest, to hearing an investor talk before happy hour by the beach and so much more.”
With many of the events being offered free or at low prices, it will be an exciting way for the larger community to engage with New Jersey’s technology and innovation communities, the release said.
Many of the events below were planned before the announcement of Jersey Innovation Week, but they have since been incorporated into the week-long celebration . “We wanted to let the larger community feel engaged and proud of the really excellent things that are getting momentum” in New Jersey, Barrood noted. The response so far has been enthusiastic, he said. “People have really expressed appreciation for it and are excited about it. This is just the start.”
Events include:
Monday May 15:
The Future of Sex, Jersey City Tech Meetup, Jersey City
Lunch with Angels, NJ Tech Council, New Brunswick
Tuesday May 16:
Coffee & Capital with Kevin Leonard, Senior Analyst at MissionOG, University City Science Center, Philadelphia
Healthtech Conference 2017, NJ Tech Council, Madison
Using Tech to Build a Better Stock Exchange, with IEX Founder, Ronan Ryan, Morris Tech Meetup, Madison
Panel Discussion: Scaling Your Business for Success, Strategic Design + Tech Meetup, Holmdel
Wednesday May 17:
Breakfast with Titans: Seth Berger, 76ers Innovation Lab, Waterfront Ventures, Camden
CEO Forum: How to Manage Your Company’s Growth, NJ Tech Council, Whippany
Dividing Founders’ Equity and Understanding Venture Compensation, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken
Beer + Wine Tech Fest, NJ Tech Council, Princeton
A Conversation with Howard Morgan, Philly New Technology Meetup, Philadelphia
Thursday May 18:
Propelify Festival, Hoboken
Enterprise Awards, Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies (PACT), Philadelphia
Friday May 19:
Breakfast Bytes: with Wayside, TetherView, and Commvault, NJ Tech Council, Oceanport
The LWE Making it to The Top Event, Leading Women Entrepreneurs, Bedminster
Beachside Chat & Happy Hour with Jay Bhatti, Jersey Shore Tech, Asbury Park
Saturday May 20:
IDENT1TY, TEDxNavesink, Asbury Park
More events to be announced, the Tech Council says. See an updated list of all the week’s events at www.jerseyinnovationweek.org, #NJInnovWeek.