Technology Marketing in the Digital Age: Posting? Where to Find Good Content to Grow Your Social Engagement and Following

Photo: Anita O'Malley, Leadarati Photo Credit: Courtesy Ledarati
Anita O'Malley, Leadarati | Courtesy Ledarati

Many tech companies active on social media platforms often wonder what they should be posting to create an engaged following and get value from their social platforms. Many don’t have original research papers, e-books, videos or the like, and find themselves stumped as to where to find engaging content to share. There’s good news: you don’t have to be a writer to post on social media, create engagement and start conversations.

Here are some practical ideas for posts.

Get Mileage

Use daily organizational events to generate content. One example of an organization that does this really well on Twitter is @elearning. Ideas include:

  • Sales/marketing promotion programs, including discounts, free consultations and contests
  • Corporate events your company are hosting, sponsoring or planning to attend
  • Community or charity involvement news and photos
  • New product/service offerings, launches or updates, and any related collateral
  • Supplier product and brand related videos, photographs and infographics
  • Job postings and recruiting activities
  • Expert marketing and sales content, either yours or your business partner’s; including e-briefs, white papers and best practice tip sheets
  • Answers to FAQs

Photo: Great content and visual posting by @elearning Photo Credit: Courtesy @elearning
Great content and visual posting by @elearning | Courtesy @elearning

Get Visual

Statistically speaking, the top viewed social posts on all platforms are visual. All-visual platforms like Instagam, Pinterest and Tumblr are rapidly gaining in popularity. Content-weary people don’t have the time or the patience to absorb the influx of content being thrown their way; they want a quick, visual fix that will satiate their need for information in a way that is most digestible to them. Enter: photos and graphics.

Visual information is processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text, and 40 percent of people respond better to images rather than text ( In fact, 94 percent more total views on average happen with online content containing compelling images than content without images (MDG Advertising). It’s simple. It’s impactful. Start increasing your company’s visibility on social media by including more photos.

Not sure where to start? Here are 75 Free Stock photos, courtesy of HubSpot.

Or, try this free collection, courtesy of Buffer.

[Leadarati helps IT firms drive value and increase opportunities through social, digital and online communications.]

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