Brands Are Defined by What They Stand For, Panelists Say at May Jersey City Tech Meetup June 3, 2020 Rob Rinderman Off entrepreneurship, Meetings, News, NJ Tech People, The Jersey City Tech Meetup hosted a virtual Zoom meeting on May 21 titled “Build...
RCM’s Boyle Talks about Dealing With The Pandemic at Startup Grind Princeton June 1, 2020 William Swayze Off Around New Jersey, entrepreneurship, Meetings, News, NJ Tech Companies, Tech for Business, Tech Workforce, Tech Workplaces, Mike Boyle first saw people wearing masks and began hearing talk about a pandemic in...
Consider Equity Crowdfunding to Support Your Startups, Panelists Say at April TiE NJ Meeting May 29, 2020 Esther Surden Off entrepreneurship, investors, Meetings, News, NJ Tech Companies, Startups, tech entrepreneurship, Uncategorized, The ins and outs of crowdfunding were discussed at a virtual TiE New Jersey meeting...
Digitalundivided Supports Black and Latinx Entrepreneurs During COVID-19 Financial Crisis May 27, 2020 Esther Surden Off entrepreneurship, investors, News, NJ Tech Companies, Startups, tech entrepreneurship, Women in Tech, Newark-based digitalundivided, a social startup that mentors and runs an incubator program for black and...
Four of the New NVP Labs Companies Come from New Jersey, with Two from Newark May 26, 2020 Esther Surden Off Around New Jersey, entrepreneurship, investors, News, NJ Tech Companies, NJ Tech People, NJ Universities, Startups, tech entrepreneurship, Uncategorized, So, who are the seven startups that form the NVP Labs accelerator class during the...
Responding to COVID-19, NVP Labs Cohort Goes Virtual May 22, 2020 Esther Surden Off Around New Jersey, entrepreneurship, Health Tech, Innovation, News, NJ Tech Companies, NJ Tech People, Startups, tech entrepreneurship, tech training, Tech Workforce, When Newark Venture Partners decided that it wanted to host an NVP Labs accelerator class...
Henry’s Take: Morris Tech Meetup and How Mike Michalowicz Schooled Me in Quarantine. Twice! May 21, 2020 Henry Bestritsky Off entrepreneurship, Meetings, News, NJ Tech People, Opinion, Startups, tech entrepreneurship, Before I dive into Mike Michalowicz’s horrible deeds, I need to go back a few...
Walmart to Shutter Jet Brand, but Jobs to Stay in Hoboken May 19, 2020 Esther Surden Off Around New Jersey, entrepreneurship, Innovation, Meetings, News, NJ Tech People, Startups, tech entrepreneurship, It is the end of the line for, the brave new e-commerce experiment started...
In Times of High Uncertainty, Innovation is the Way Out, McGrath Tells Barrood in Virtual Chat May 15, 2020 William Swayze Off entrepreneurship, Innovation, News, tech entrepreneurship, Tech for Business, Universities, A renowned Columbia Business School professor said that the coronavirus pandemic has triggered indecision and...
Stevens Annual pitch Competition Awards Three Winners; LiftAssist Comes In First May 12, 2020 Natalie Todaro Off Around New Jersey, entrepreneurship, News, NJ Universities, pitch competitions, Startups, Uncategorized, Universities, {This article was reposted with permission of its author Natalie Todaro from The Stute, the...