Optimal Dynamics, Spun Off From Princeton, Gets $4 Million July 30, 2020 Esther Surden Off Around New Jersey, entrepreneurship, Innovation, investors, News, NJ Tech Companies, NJ Tech People, NJ Universities, Startups, tech entrepreneurship, Tech for Business, Optimal Dynamics (Princeton), a startup that was spun off from Princeton University, recently secured $4...
NJ Startup Success: Englewood Cliffs-Based OwnBackup is Ready to Scale and Diversify with $50 Million Additional Investment July 21, 2020 Esther Surden Off Emerging technologies, entrepreneurship, Innovation, News, NJ Tech Companies, NJ Tech People, Startups, tech entrepreneurship, One of New Jersey’s startup success stories is OwnBackup, headquartered in Englewood Cliffs. The company,...
New Jersey’s Innovation Office Shares Digital Service Lessons from the Pandemic July 20, 2020 Ryan Johnston Off Around New Jersey, government or politics, Innovation, News, Uncategorized, By Ryan Johnston [Everyone knows about the failures of the unemployment and motor vehicle systems...
Sweldens Talks about Entrepreneurship and Video Innovation at Kiswe during Princeton Tech Meetup July 8, 2020 Esther Surden Off Emerging technologies, Innovation, Meetings, News, NJ Tech Companies, NJ Tech People, Startups, tech entrepreneurship, Tech for Business, Wim Sweldens, former CEO and one of the founders of Kiswe Mobile (New Providence) discussed...
All Hands on Deck: Cross River Bank Creates Paycheck Protection Program Loan System in Days July 7, 2020 Esther Surden Off fintech, government or politics, Innovation, Meetings, News, NJ Tech Companies, Tech for Business, Cross River Bank (Fort Lee) created a customer-facing and backend system to handle Paycheck Protection...
At Stevens Virtual HealthHack, Teams Focus on Innovation in the Time of COVID-19 June 25, 2020 Esther Surden Off Around New Jersey, EdTech, entrepreneurship, hackathons, Health Tech, Innovation, News, NJ Universities, Universities, The Stevens Venture Center, Stevens Institute of Technology’s startup incubator, held a virtual hackathon in...
The 12 NJ Tech and Life Sciences Companies Awarded CSIT Innovation Economy Grants June 23, 2020 Esther Surden Off Emerging technologies, entrepreneurship, Innovation, News, NJ Tech Companies, Startups, STEM, tech entrepreneurship, The New Jersey Commission on Science, Innovation and Technology (CSIT) announced that 14 early-stage companies...
Creative and Resilient, Boxcar Finds Ways to Help Community During Pandemic June 18, 2020 Esther Surden Off entrepreneurship, Innovation, News, NJ Tech Companies, NJ Tech People, tech entrepreneurship, Tech Workplaces, From delivering fresh produce to suburban families in a parking lot, to dropping off blow-up...
COVID-19 Can’t Stop Sports Tech, Experts Say During Investor Chat June 11, 2020 Esther Surden Off Emerging technologies, entrepreneurship, Innovation, News, NJ Tech Companies, Startups, tech entrepreneurship, Despite the coronavirus lockdown that has prevented teams from playing, those in the know never...
“Wireless” Smart Glass Startup Captures Princeton University Startup Showcase June 8, 2020 William Swayze 1 Clean Tech / Green Tech, Emerging technologies, Innovation, investors, News, NJ Tech Companies, NJ Universities, pitch competitions, Startups, A Princeton University startup with new solar technology that harnesses ultraviolet light to power smart...