How to Recharge Your Personal Online Brand in 2018

Photo: Anita O'Malley Photo Credit: Courtesy Leadarati
Anita O'Malley | Courtesy Leadarati

Today almost everyone involved in business—whether it’s in a career, as a business owner or in a volunteer capacity—understands the importance of having a digital “footprint” or an online brand in order to be taken seriously as a professional. While many of you already have an online presence, you might not be getting the most out of its potential networking power. Some, on the other hand, are at a loss for how to even get started.

Regardless of which camp you fall into, here are some tips for creating your expert online brand:

1.     Revamp your LinkedIn Summary. The summary section is your chance to give readers a unique glimpse into who you are, both personally and professionally, while highlighting your specific areas of expertise. Be sure to write it in the first person, avoid using cliché phrases and jargon and include a current, up-close photo.

2.     Showcase your expertise. LinkedIn’s “Write an Article” feature allows you to share your unique knowledge and differentiate yourself from other LinkedIn profiles. Think about something you’re an expert in or have a passion for, write it and post it. The result: your network of connections gets an original post to read, keeping you top of mind.

3.     Get active on Twitter. If you haven’t done so already, join Twitter. Already on Twitter? Time to get more active in the community. The technology community is an extremely connected one, so why not tap into that power. It’s not hard to do: just do a search on words specific to your industry. For example, a search that includes both “Technology” and “NJ” will reveal profiles such as @NJtechwkly, @TechLaunchNJ. @NJTech and @NJTechCouncil. Follow them and see what networking opportunities they offer.

4.     Be an industry reporter’s expert source. Use Twitter to locate press opportunities. Find and follow relevant reporters and check their feeds frequently. Many of them post their needs for thought leaders to feature in their stories. Another sourcing site is HARO (Help a Reporter Out), where journalists covering all industries post calls for specific expertise, giving you the opportunity to respond. You get to pick which industry you would like to contribute your expertise to and have queries emailed to you on a daily basis. The catch? You must reply quickly and with an interesting, unique response. If you’re chosen, the rewards are far reaching, offering added exposure at no cost.

5.     Do Meet the Team social graphics for your company staff members. Starting with your own profile (see example below), use this technique to highlight a quote or specific accomplishment, then share on your own and your company’s social platforms.

Photo: Make a meet the team social graphic for your company. Photo Credit: Courtesy Anita O'Malley
Make a meet the team social graphic for your company. | Courtesy Anita O'Malley

Take the time to do any of the above in 2018 and you’ll find yourself benefiting from an active online presence and expert brand that’s a must for every professional!

[Leadarati helps IT firms drive value and increase opportunities through social, digital and online communications. Follow Anita on Twitter @Leadarati ]

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