Technology Marketing in the Digital Age: Using Twitter? Here’s how to grow opportunities for your business

Photo: Anita O'Malley, CEO of Leadarati Photo Credit: Anita O'Malley
Anita O'Malley, CEO of Leadarati | Anita O'Malley

By now, most B2B companies have a presence on Twitter. Many use their account for posting their own news and content, events or even their partner news. But that’s not where it should end. Remember, social media is all about engagement with your customers, prospects and more.

The menu bar at the top of your Twitter profile can be a valuable resource. NOTIFICATIONS tells you, in a stream, who has engaged with your content—whether via retweets, likes or mentions. Every day I check my feed; I see who’s followed my company, retweet, comment, thank those who reposted my content and, most important of all, follow those who follow me. Think of it as your Hot To Do List.

Checking your NOTIFICATIONS is something that you would want to include in your daily social practice. It will pay off; your following will increase significantly if you do it religiously.

The second most important stream on your Twitter account: MESSAGES. These are private and can only be seen by you when you and the sending party are following each other on Twitter. The MESSAGES feature requires a mutual following. Again, you’ll also want to check your MESSAGES on a daily basis.

Wondering what you’d even say in a direct MESSAGE to a Twitter follower? Here’s one I received today.

Photo: Example of a targeted Twitter message to sell content. Photo Credit: Anita O'Malley
Example of a targeted Twitter message to sell content. | Anita O'Malley

This is an excellent example of an organization using Twitter as an opportunity to showcase their expert content. @HRGrapevine selects followers that it can MESSAGE, and includes a link to their latest magazine edition. Think of the potential this has for your company content. Maybe you just published a case study that is relevant in the education sector. Why not choose educational organizations you are mutually following and send them a link to that case study? It may start a conversation that leads to an appointment. The key to using direct messaging appropriately is to use it sparingly and when it is relevant for the Twitter follower that you are sending it to.

Last, I wanted to mention and give kudos to the many power Twitter users in sales that engage their customers on Twitter. Below are a few examples of folks I know doing actual business development in their channel using regular tweets—not even MESSAGES. Notice how the conversation is initiated, and then an opportunity is born.

Photo: This Tweet engages customers. Photo Credit: Anita O'Malley
This Tweet engages customers. | Anita O'Malley

Sure, you’re always looking to increase your brand reach and remain relevant in your marketplace. But let’s not lose sight of the ultimate reason for business communications: to increase and grow the business. What better way to do that than a large, powerful communications network like Twitter?

Comments? Feel free to tweet them to me @Leadarati

[Leadarati helps IT firms drive value and increase opportunities through social, digital and online communications. To subscribe to Anita O’Malley’s monthly social business tips news, SocialBiz 411, visit this website.]

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