Today is Veterans Day – Thank You for Your Service

Photo: Mario Casabona Photo Credit: Courtesy TechLaunch
Mario Casabona | Courtesy TechLaunch

Today is a special day, Veterans Day. I think we should make today a National Holiday…oh…I forgot…today is a National Holiday. How come most businesses don’t have off? It turns out that government offices and banks, etc. do celebrate Veterans Day. Cities and towns all over the country have parades and celebrations. Wow, my conscious is clear…not!

I was fortunate to miss the Vietnam War and any of the other conflicts in my conscious history but I was also fortunate to work with various service men/women and veterans during my career.

I always felt honor and respect between us, whether on the same or opposite sides of the negotiating table. Veterans are proud and loyal to our cause of freedom. They are also very compassionate for others, especially those in need or in crisis…they seem to have seen and felt it all.

I am also fortunate to be recently working and interacting with the “millennium generation.” I wonder…do you understand and respect the commitment our Veterans and Service Men/Women have made to our freedom?

 Most of us enjoy the comforts of home, the ability to speak our minds and most of all, be entrepreneurs. Yes…we enjoy our entrepreneurial freedom in part because of the sacrifices our service Men/Women and Veterans have made over the years.

When was the last time we…yes, you and I…recognized a veteran for his and her service to our Country? Our Veterans risked their lives to protect our freedom and way of life…we know that. The reality is…do we really appreciate the sacrifices they and their families have made for all of us? Time passes and wounds both physical and emotional have a tendency to heal for most of us. Our Veterans carry their wounds well. I have yet to meet a veteran who wants me to feel bad about them.

The most important thing we can do on this Veterans Day is to extend our best wishes and appreciation to all our Veterans, whether WW1, WW2, Korean, Vietnam, Middle East or  Special Ops by letting them know we salute, appreciate and thank them for their service to us and our Country…Thank You for Your Service.

From a Very Proud American Entrepreneur

[Ed. Note: I would like to add to this special recognition to those veterans who are now part of our NJ Tech community. Thank you. Esther Surden]

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