10 Questions for Michael Bonner, Founder and CEO of Property Pilot and GovPilot August 5, 2016 Givon Zirkind Off News, Michael Bonner of PropertyPilot and GovPilot | Esther Surden Michael Bonner is a Hoboken resident...
ToolMuse, GuidePal and FlexTraPower Pitch at New Jersey Tech Meetup June 14, 2016 Givon Zirkind Off News, Networking at the NJ Tech Meetup at Jet headquarters | Courtesy Jet via Twitter It...
Impressions: Propeller Fest Gets Networking, Business Hopping in Hoboken May 24, 2016 Givon Zirkind Off Opinion, A view of the lawn at Propeller Fest | Courtesy Genesis Media Propeller, which...
Packed House at MobileDevNJ/Jet Technology Combined Meetup Hears from Verizon, Branch Metrics and VOOM Carpool May 18, 2016 Givon Zirkind Off News, A packed house at the Mobile Dev NJ meetup at Jet. | Alex Zaltsman The...
GDG North Jersey Presented “Mining Social Media” at Techmakers U April 13, 2016 Givon Zirkind Off News, As part of TechMakers U, Todd Nakamura talked about using APIs. | Courtesy Todd Nakamura...
How Panasonic North America CEO Joseph M. Taylor Helped Turn around the Company March 14, 2016 Givon Zirkind Off News, NJIT president Dr. Joel Bloom welcomes Panasonic North America CEO Joseph Taylor to the stage....
GDG North Jersey’s February Meeting Covers Realm, A New Mobile Database March 6, 2016 Givon Zirkind Off News, Don Felker spoke at GDG North Jersey at Audible | Via LinkedIn A new mobile...